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Have you checked it out yet? (14th Oct 24 at 12:45pm UTC)Quote Reply
You’re not gonna believe this, but I finally tried that ClothOff AI tool. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it’s pretty insane how it works. You upload a photo, and bam, the clothes disappear like it’s nothing. I thought it would be super gimmicky, but it’s actually super realistic. It’s wild how far tech has come. I didn’t expect to be impressed, but here I am, kind of amazed. Have you checked it out yet? It’s definitely something different, that’s for sure.
Re: Have you checked it out yet? (15th Oct 24 at 3:02pm UTC)Quote Reply
Yeah, I’ve used it too, found it on Honestly, it’s perfect for adding a bit of variety to your love life. Whether you’re single or with someone, it keeps things interesting. It’s a fun, low-pressure way to explore fantasies or just see how you’d look in a different, uh, light. For couples, it can be a playful addition to their routine, but even for singles, it can boost confidence or just be something fun to mess around with. It’s surprisingly easy to use and does exactly what you’d expect!
Re: Have you checked it out yet? (16th Oct 24 at 7:20am UTC)Quote Reply
I’ve heard about it but haven’t tried it myself yet. I can definitely see the appeal, though, especially for people who want to mix things up without taking it too seriously. It’s interesting how something like this can be used for both couples and singles, kind of bridging that gap. It seems like a harmless way to have a bit of fun and explore things at your own pace. As long as it’s respectful and consensual, I think it’s just another creative way technology is making life a little more interesting.
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