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Re: Why is Cara Delevingne so famous?Posted By gloria backer  (24th Jun 22 at 6:46am)

It is known that she (and her family) had tons of contacts in Vogue, she was a model (she's not ugly... for many people) and they put her onto every cover they could worldwide, soon she was a "face - icon" (international model stuff), and then her personality on some interviews and some intelligent use of social media did the rest...

Later... AD agencies look for international MILLENIAL ICON and they do not have much to go for (Bieber, Swift, Michael Cera, SNL guys... sport people and some more) and she got tons of contrats so anywhere in the world w'd see her anytime...

She is an "ATTITUDE ICON" as well as "Pete Doherty or Kate Moss" once were...

But come on... you cant compare her to MODEL ICONS like Elle McPherson or Claudia Schiffer or so...

This is my opinion with some facts...
Re: Why is Cara Delevingne so famous?Posted By Frank Davis  (24th Jun 22 at 6:37am)

Are you serious about that? She is an actress and a model as far as I know. I simply adore her! Here are some cool details about Delevingne sisters I like the most. This resource is full of info about celebrity families and their relationship. Simply have a look. I am pretty sure you will find a lot of cool details on its pages. Hope it will make sense for you. Cheers!
Why is Cara Delevingne so famous?Posted By free stown  (23rd Jun 22 at 12:24pm)

Why is Cara Delevingne so famous? {Confused}

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