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Top-Content Help :: General :: FAQs :: General FAQ - Problems logging in? - View Topic
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Stuart Lawrence

Posts: 7
Status: Offline
Gender: Male
Location: Webskills Prison Cell


General FAQ - Problems logging in? (15th May 09 at 7:32am UTC)
Please review the following problems and their solutions:

When I try to login I get an error that my login details are incorrect.
You may have forgotten your password or not been given it correctly. Either way it is best for you to contact your local Administrator. They will be able to change your password to a new one and tell you your username. If you are the local administrator and there are no other administrators on your system then you will need to contact Webskills and request a password reset for your account.

I login and I get no errors. I either: see the first page of the Administrator panel but when I click on a link I get returned to the login panel or I get returned to the login screen straight away.
This issue will be caused by your browser having "cookies" turned off. Cookies allow the content management system to store information about your username and password so that you remain logged in on all pages.

How to fix this? All browsers are different by generally you should be able to find the option in "Tools" (from the top menu bar" and Options. You will be looking for a "Privacy" tab. Within here you should be changing the settings allowing for our system to write cookies to your browser.

In Internet Explorer:
You can change between "Block all Cookies" and "Low". We would like for you to select "Medium".

In Firefox:
Click all "Allow cookies" options.

Other browsers should have similar user interfaces.
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